Research Areas
I'm a PhD candidate working with Jim Best on basal Cambrian sandstones (Mt. Simon, "Argenta," Lamotte) in Illinois and Missouri. I was previously employed at the Illinois State Geological Survey working primarily on geological carbon storage projects and subsurface mapping. Apart from my PhD work, I am also engaged in ongoing research on the Glasford meteorite impact structure in Peoria County, Illinois.
Research Interests
*Paleozoic stratigraphy
*Meteorite impact craters
*Invertebrate paleontology
*History of geology
- M.S., University of Iowa
Recent Publications
Frailey, S.M., and C.C. Monson. 2021. Guidelines for Designing Small-Scale Carbon Dioxide Enhanced Oil Recovery and Storage Pilot Projects. ISGS Circular 608.
Pevehouse, K.J., D.E. Sweet, B. Šegvić, C.C. Monson, G. Zanoni,S. Marshak, and M.A. Barnes. 2020. Paleotopography controls weathering of Cambrian-age profiles beneath the Great Unconformity, St. Francois Mountains, SE Missouri, U.S.A. Journal of Sedimentary Research 90:629-650. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2110/jsr.2020.33
Reesink, A.J.H., J.L. Best, J.T. Freiburg, N.D. Webb, C.C. Monson, and R.W. Ritzi. 2020. Interpreting pre-vegetation landscape dynamics: the Cambrian Lower Mount Simon Sandstone, Illinois, U.S.A. Journal of Sedimentary Research 90: 1614-1641. DOI: 10.2110/jsr.2020.71
Monson, C.C., D. Sweet, B. Segvic, G. Zanoni, K. Balling, J.M. Wittmer, G.R. Ganis, and G. Cheng. 2019. The Late Ordovician (Sandbian) Glasford structure: A marine-target impact crater with a possible connection to the Ordovician meteorite event. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. doi: 10.1111/maps.13401
Mehnert, E., J. Damico, N. Grigsby, C. Monson, C. Patterson, and F. Yang. 2019. Geologic Carbon Sequestration in the Illinois Basin: Numerical Modeling to Evaluate Potential Impacts. Illinois State Geological Survey Circular 598.
Blanchard, S., E.J. Matheson, C.R. Fielding, J.L. Best, A.B. Bryk, K.J. Howell, C.C. Monson, G. Mahoney, and J. Peakall. 2019. Early burial mud diapirism and its impact on stratigraphic architecture in the Carboniferous of the Shannon Basin, County Clare, Ireland. Sedimentology 66: 329-361. DOI:10.1111/sed.12492
Monson, C.C., C.P. Korose, and S.M. Frailey. 2014. Screening methodology for regional-scale CO2 EOR and storage using economic criteria. Energy Procedia 63: 7796–7808.
Damico, J.R., C.C. Monson, S. Frailey, Y. Lasemi, N.D. Webb, N. Grigsby, F. Yang, and P. Berger. 2014. Strategies for advancing CO2 EOR in the Illinois Basin, USA. Energy Procedia 63: 7694–7708.
Monson, C.C. 2012. Louis Agassiz and the fossil reefs of Iowa. Earth Sciences History 31(2):193–209.
Liu, H., D.E.G. Briggs, B.J. Witzke, R.M. McKay, and C.C. Monson. 2012. Bromalites from the Middle Ordovician Winneshiek Lagerstätte, northeast Iowa, USA. 34th International Geological Congress, Brisbane, Australia, August 5–10, 2012. Poster presentation (by Liu), August 9, 2012. Poster #346. International Geological Congress, Abstracts (Congres Geologique International, Resumes), 34:3572.