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Research Areas
Dr. William W. Shilts, a native of Hudson, Ohio, was the founding executive director of the Prairie Research Institute after leading the effort in 2008 to transfer the scientific surveys from a state agency to the University of Illinois. Notable accomplishments under his leadership include working with the Illinois Department of Transportation to bring the Illinois State Archaeological Survey (ISAS) into the Institute; leading efforts to pass legislation in 2013 recognizing ISAS and creating seven state scientist positions; and creating the Prairie Lighting Symposium for Institute staff to share their work with colleagues.
From 1995 to 2008, Dr. Shilts was Chief of the Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS). During that time he made detailed, three-dimensional geologic mapping a priority and strengthened efforts to create an energy program.
Prior to becoming ISGS Chief, Dr. Shilts worked for 30 years as a research scientist for the Geological Survey of Canada, leading studies in the fields of exploration and environmental geochemistry, glacial sedimentology and stratigraphy, permafrost and patterned ground, atmospheric contaminants (mercury and acid rain) in lakes, and the impacts of historic and prehistoric earthquakes on lakes.
Dr. Shilts has been a proponent for providing clear explanations of science to the lay public and for the importance of utilizing earth science as an important component for assuring responsible economic development and environmental security in modern societies.
Research Interests
- Configuration, dynamics, and geological constraints of the North American continental ice sheet
- Environmental geochemistry
- Glacial sedimentology and stratigraphy
- Neotectonic methods for detecting prehistoric seismic events, particularly in lakes
- High Arctic glacier sedimentation
- Sedimentation and genesis of eskers
- Arctic and temperate limnology, especially geophysical methods of studying physical limnology, subbottom and sidescan acoustic profiles, and geochemical profiles of cores as indicators of the relative importance of anthropogenic and natural sources of elements
- Stratigraphy and glacial sedimentation of the Hudson Bay Lowlands and Québec Appalachians
- Drift mineralogy chemistry for correlation, drift genesis, and applied studies
- Terrestrial and sublacustrine periglacial features, notably the patterned ground of Canadian Shield
- Mineral prospecting in glaciated terrain
Postdoctoral fellowship, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
Ph.D., Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York
Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana
M.S., Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
A.B., DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana
selected publications
Adams, J., L. Dredge, C. Fenton, D.R. Grant, and W.W. Shilts, 1993, Late Quaternary faulting in the Rouge River valley, southern Ontario: Seismotectonic or glaciotectonic? Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2652.
Adams, J., L. Dredge, C. Fenton, D.R. Grant, and W.W. Shilts, 1993, Neotectonic faulting in metropolitan Toronto: Implications for earthquake hazard assessment in the Lake Ontario region: Comment. Geology, v. 21, p. 63.
Altshuller, A.P., and G.A. McBean (co-chairmen), 1980, Second report of the United States–Canada Research Consultation Group on the Long Range Transport of Air Pollutants [released jointly by the Canadian Department of External affairs and U.S. Department of State]. (William W. Shilts contributed to Chapter 4 and drafted Figures 5 and 6.)
Andrews, J.T., G.H. Miller, J.-S. Vincent, and W.W. Shilts, 1984, Quaternary correlations in arctic Canada. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 84-10, p. 127-134.
Andrews, J.T., G.H. Miller, J.-S. Vincent, and W.W. Shilts, 1986, Quaternary correlations in arctic Canada. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 5, p. 243-249.
Andrews, J.T., W.W. Shilts, and G.H. Miller, 1983, Multiple deglaciations of the Hudson Bay Lowlands, Canada, since deposition of the Missinaibi (Last-interglacial?) formation. Quaternary Research, v. 19, p. 18-37.
Andrews, J.T., W.W. Shilts, and G.H. Miller, 1984, Reply to A.S. Dyke’s discussion. Quaternary Research, v. 22, p. 253-258.
Arsenault, L., J.M. Aylsworth, C.M. Cunningham, I.M. Kettles, and W.W. Shilts, 1981, Surficial geology, Eskimo Point, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 8-1980, 1 sheet, 1:125,000 scale.
Arsenault, L., J.M. Aylsworth, I.M. Kettles, and W.W. Shilts, 1981, Surficial geology, Dawson Inlet, District of Keewatin.Geological Survey of Canada, Map 9-1979, 1 sheet, 1:125,000 scale.
Arsenault, L., J.M. Aylsworth, I.M. Kettles, and W.W. Shilts, 1981, Surficial Geology, Kaminak Lake, District of Keewatin.Geological Survey of Canada, Map 7-1979, 1 sheet, 1:125,000 scale.
Aylsworth, J.M., A.N. Boydell, C.M. Cunningham, and W.W. Shilts, 1981, Surficial geology, MacQuoid Lake, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 11-1980, 1 sheet, 1:125,000 scale.
Aylsworth, J.M., A.N. Boydell, and W.W. Shilts, 1981, Surficial geology, Marble Island, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 10-1980, 1 sheet, 1:125,000 scale.
Aylsworth, J.M., A.N. Boydell, and W.W. Shilts, 1981, Surficial geology, Tavani, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 9-1980, 1 sheet, 1:125,000 scale.
Aylsworth, J.M., A.N. Boydell, and W.W. Shilts, 1986, Surficial geology, Chesterfield Inlet, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 1-1985, 1 sheet, 1:125,000 scale.
Aylsworth, J.M., A.N. Boydell, and W.W. Shilts, 1986, Surficial geology, Gibson Lake, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 1-1984, 1 sheet, 1:125,000 scale.
Aylsworth, J.M., C.M. Cunningham, I.M. Kettles, and W.W. Shilts, 1986, Surficial geology, Henik Lakes, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 2-1985, 1 sheet, 1:125,000 scale.
Aylsworth, J.M., C.M. Cunningham, and W.W. Shilts, 1981, Surficial geology, Ferguson Lake, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 2-1979, 1 sheet, 1:125,000 scale.
Aylsworth, J.M., C.M. Cunningham, and W.W. Shilts, 1981, Surficial geology, Hyde Lake, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 8-1979, 1 sheet, 1:125,000 scale.
Aylsworth, J.M., C.M. Cunningham, and W.W. Shilts, 1985, Surficial geology, Baker Lake, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 3-1985, 1 sheet, 1:125,000 scale.
Aylsworth, J.M., C.M. Cunningham, and W.W. Shilts, 1990, Surficial Geology, Edehon Lake, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 10-1990, 1 sheet, 1:125,000 scale.
Aylsworth, J.M., C.M. Cunningham, and W.W. Shilts, 1990, Surficial Geology, Schultz Lake, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 43-1989. 1 sheet, 1:125,000 scale.
Aylsworth, J.M., C.M. Cunningham, and W.W. Shilts, 1989, Surficial geology, Thirty Mile Lake, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 39-1989, 1 sheet, 1:125,000 scale.
Aylsworth, J.M., and W.W. Shilts, 1985, Glacial features of the west-central Canadian Shield. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 85-1B, p. 375-381.
Aylsworth, J.M., and W.W. Shilts, 1987, Surficial Geology, Coats Island, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 1633A, 1 sheet, 1:125,000 scale.
Aylsworth, J.M., and W.W. Shilts, 1987, Surficial Geology, Mansel Island, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories.Geological Survey of Canada, Map 1632A, 1 sheet, 1:125,000 scale.
Aylsworth, J.M., and W.W. Shilts, 1989, Bedforms of the Keewatin Ice Sheet, Canada. Sedimentary Geology, v. 62, p. 407-428.
Aylsworth, J.M., and W.W. Shilts, 1989, Glacial features around the Keewatin Ice Divide, Districts of Mackenzie and Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 88-24.
Aylsworth, J.M., and W.W. Shilts, 1989, Glacial features around the Keewatin Ice Divide, Districts of Mackenzie and Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 24-1987, 2 sheets, 1:1,000,000 scale.
Aylsworth, J.M., and W.W. Shilts, 1991, Surficial geology of Coats and Mansel Islands, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 89-23.
Aylsworth, J.M., W.W. Shilts, H.A.J. Russell, and D.M. Pyne, 2012, Eskers around the Keewatin Ice Divide: Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7047.
Balescu, S., M. Lamothe, M. Auclair, and W.W. Shilts, 2001, IRSL dating of Middle Pleistocene interglacial sediments from southern Quebec (Canada) using multiple and single grain aliquots. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 20, p. 821-824.
Blais, A., and W.W. Shilts, 1989, Surficial geology of Saint-Joseph-de-Beauce map area, Chaudière valley, Quebec.Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 89-1B, p. 137-142.
Blais, A., and W.W. Shilts, 1992, Surficial geology of the St-Joseph area – Quebec; Surficial geology of the Beauceville area – Quebec. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2537, 2 sheets, 1:50,000 scale.
Blais, A., and W.W. Shilts, 1992, Surficial geology of the Ste-Justine area – Quebec; Surficial geology of the St-Zacharie area – Quebec. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2536, 2 sheets, 1:50,000 scale.
Boyle, R.W., P.M.D. Bradshaw, D.R. Clews, J.A.C. Fortescue, C.F. Gleeson, E.H.W. Hornbrook, W. Shilts, M. Tauchid, and W. Wolfe, 1975, The Canadian Shield; in P.M.D. Bradshaw, ed., Conceptual models in exploration geochemistry: The Canadian Cordillera and Canadian Shield. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 4, no. 1, p. 109-199.
Brown, R.J.E., G.H. Johnston, J.R. Mackay, N.R. Morgenstern, and W.W. Shilts, 1981, Permafrost distribution and terrain characteristics; in G.H. Johnston, ed., Permafrost: Engineering design and construction, John Wiley & Sons, Toronto, p. 31-72.
Caron, O., M. Lamothe, and W.W. Shilts, 2010, 3D modelling of the Quaternary stratigraphic sequence of the southeastern Appalachians of Canada; paper 108-14, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 42, no. 5, p. 276.
Caron, O., M. Lamothe, and W.W. Shilts, 2010, Glacial Lake Gayhurst: Insights into the Midwisconsinan history of the southeastern sector of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Abstract, CSPG/CSEG/CWLS (Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists, and Canadian Well Logging Society) GeoConvention 2010, Calgary, Alberta.
Caron, O., M. Lamothe, and W.W. Shilts, 2010, IRSL-dated glaciolacustrine Laurentide ice marginal positions in the Canadian southeastern Appalachians and the estimation of regional ice volume at the OIS3/0IS4 transition; paper 22-13, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 42, no. 5, p. 75.
Caron, O., M. Lamothe, and W.W. Shilts, 2010, Midwisconsinan sedimentology, 3D stratigraphic mapping and paleogeography in the Appalachians of southeastern Québec; paper 61-8, Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section and Southeastern Section Joint Annual Meeting. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 42, no. 1, p. 151.
Caron, O., M. Lamothe, and W.W. Shilts, 2012, New insights in the 3D modelling of the Quaternary stratigraphic sequence of the southeastern Appalachians of Canada; paper 48-8, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 44, no. 7, p. 144.
Caron, O., M. Lamothe, and W.W. Shilts, 2013, Glacial Lake Gayhurst: Contribution into the Midwisconsinan history of the southeastern sector of the Laurentide Ice Sheet and the late Quaternary stratigraphic record of southeastern Quebec; paper 50-2, Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section Annual Meeting. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 45, no. 1, p. 104.
Caron, O., M. Lamothe, and W.W. Shilts, 2013, Midwisconsinan history of the southeastern sector of the Laurentide ice sheet and the late Quaternary stratigraphic record of southeastern Quebec; paper 167-6, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 45, no. 7, p. 413.
Caron, O., M. Lamothe, W.W. Shilts, and A.C. Phillips, 2014, IRSL as a correlation and potential dating tool for glaciolacustrine sediments: A case study from the southeastern Canadian Appalachians. 14th International Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating, Book of Abstracts, p. 25.
Clague, J.J., R.H. Linden, and W.W. Shilts, 1996, Subaqueous landslides and related disturbance, Vancouver Island lakes; in J.J. Clague, ed., Paleoseismicity and seismic hazards, southwestern British Columbia. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 494, p. 56-64.
Clague, J.J., and W.W. Shilts, 1993, Two landslide-dammed lakes in the Cascade Mountains, southwestern British Columbia.Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 93-1E, p. 47-54.
Clague, J.J., and W.W. Shilts, 1996, Terrestrial landslides and landslide-dammed lakes; in J.J. Clague, ed., Paleoseismicity and seismic hazards, southwestern British Columbia. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 494, p. 51-56.
Clague, J.J., W.W. Shilts, and R.H. Linden, 1989, Application of subbottom profiling to assessing seismic risk on Vancouver Island. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 89-1E, p. 237-242.
Coker, W.B., I.M. Kettles, and W.W. Shilts, 1995, Comparison of mercury concentrations in modern lake sediments and glacial drift on the Canadian Shield in the region of Ottawa/Kingston to Georgian Bay, Ontario, Canada. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, v. 80, p. 1025-1029.
Coker, W.B., and W.W. Shilts, 1979, Lacustrine geochemistry around the north shore of Lake Superior: Implications for evaluation of the effects of acid precipitation. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 79-1C, p. 1-15.
Coker, W.B., and W.W. Shilts, 1993, Geochemical exploration for gold in glaciated terrains; in R.P. Foster, ed., Gold metallogeny and exploration, Springer Science+Business Media, Dordrecht, p. 336-359.
Cunningham, C.M., and W.W. Shilts, 1977, Anomalous uranium concentrations in till north of Baker Lake, District of Keewatin.Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 77-1B, p. 291-292.
Cunningham, C.M., and W.W. Shilts, 1977, Surficial geology of the Baker Lake area, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 77-1B, p. 311-314.
DiLabio, R.N.W., and W.W. Shilts, 1977. Detailed drift prospecting in the southern District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 77-1A, p. 479-483.
DiLabio, R.N.W., and W.W. Shilts, 1978, Compositional variation of debris in glaciers, Bylot Island, District of Franklin.Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 78-1B, p. 91-94.
DiLabio, R.N.W., and W.W. Shilts, 1979, Composition and dispersal of debris by modern glaciers, Bylot Island, Canada; in C. Schlüchter, ed., Moraines and varves, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, p. 145-155.
Dionne, J.C., and W.W. Shilts, 1974, A Pleistocene clastic dike, upper Chaudiere valley, Quebec. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 11, p. 1594-1605.
Edwards, T.W.D., R. Klassen, and W.W. Shilts, 1987, Terrain geochemistry surveys, permafrost studies, and arctic limnology, District of Keewatin, N.W.T.: Implications for water quality monitoring in the north. Water Pollution Research Journal of Canada, v. 22, p. 505-517.
Egginton, P.A., and W.W. Shilts, 1978, Rates of movement associated with mud boils, central District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 78-1B, p. 203-206.
Fulton, R.J., T.W. Anderson, N.R. Gadd, C.R. Harrington, I.M. Kettles, S.H. Richard, C.G. Rodrigues, B.R. Rust, and W.W. Shilts, 1987, Résumé du Quaternaire de la région de l’Outaouais; in R.J. Fulton, ed., Union Internationale pour l’Étude du Quaternaire, XIIe Congrès International, Le Quaternaire de l’Outaouais et la description des excursions locales, Conseil National de Recherches du Canada, Ottawa, p. 9-23.
Fulton, R.J., T.W. Anderson, N.R. Gadd, C.R. Harrington, I.M. Kettles, S.H. Richard, C.G. Rodrigues, B.R. Rust, and W.W. Shilts, 1987, Summary of the Quaternary of the Ottawa region; in R.J. Fulton, ed., International Union for Quaternary Research, XII International Congress, Quaternary of the Ottawa region and guides for day excursions, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, p. 7-20.
Gadd, N.R., B.C. McDonald, and W.W. Shilts, 1972, Deglacial features of southern Quebec. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 10-1971, 1 sheet, 1:253,440 scale.
Gadd, N.R., B.C. McDonald, and W.W. Shilts, 1972, Deglaciation of southern Quebec. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 71-47.
Hornbrook, E.H.W., I.M. Kettles, and W.W. Shilts, 1986, Geochemistry of aquatic and terrestrial sediments, Precambrian Shield of southeastern Ontario. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, v. 31, p. 969-979.
Jones, D.M., W.W. Shilts, and R.W. Weir, 1976, Heavy metal content of tundra plant species. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 76-1B, p. 273-279.
Kaszycki, C.A., and W.W. Shilts, 1979, Average depth of glacial erosion, Canadian Shield; Geological Survey of Canada. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 79-1B, p. 395-396.
Kaszycki, C.A., and W.W. Shilts, 1980, Glacial erosion of the Canadian Shield: Calculation of average depths. Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Technical Record TR-106.
Kaszycki, C.A., and W.W. Shilts, 1982, Expected average magnitude of glacial erosion; in Geotechnical research, Proceedings of the Seventh Nuclear Fuel Waste Management Information Meeting, 1980 May 5-6, Ottawa, Ontario. Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Technical Record TR-190, p. 29-35.
Kettles, I.M., and W.W. Shilts, 1983, Reconnaissance geochemical data for till and other surficial sediments, Frontenac Arch and surrounding areas, Ontario. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 947.
Kettles, I., and W.W. Shilts, 1987, Tills of the Ottawa region; in R.J. Fulton, ed., Quaternary geology of the Ottawa region, Ontario and Québec. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 86-23, p. 10-13.
Kettles, I., and W.W. Shilts, 1989, Geochemistry of drift over the Precambrian Grenville Province, southeastern Ontario and southwestern Québec; in R.N.W. DiLabio and W.B. Coker, eds., Drift prospecting in the Appalachians of Estrie-Beauce.Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 89-20, p. 97-112.
Kettles, I.M., and W.W. Shilts, 1994, Composition of glacial sediments in Canadian Shield terrane, southeastern Ontario and southwestern Québec: Applications to acid rain research and mineral exploration. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 463.
Kettles, I.M., and W.W. Shilts, 1994, Géochimie des sédiments glaciaires dans la province précambrienne de Grenville, dans le sud-est de l’Ontario et le sud-ouest du Québec; in R.N.W. DiLabio and W.B. Coker, eds., La prospection glacio-sédimentaire. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 89-20, p. 107-122.
Kettles, I.M., and W.W. Shilts, 1996, Geochemical and lithological composition of surficial sediments, southeastern Ontario.Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3175.
Kettles, I.M., W.W. Shilts, and W. Coker, 1991, Surficial geochemistry, south-central Canadian Shield: Implications for environment assessment. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 41, p. 29-57.
Killey, M.M., and W.W. Shilts, 2002, Introduction: Influence of geology and soil on ecosystem development. La Moine River Area assessment, volume 1: Geology, Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Springfield, p. 1-6.
Klassen, R.A., I. Nichol, and W.W. Shilts, 1975, Lake geochemistry in the Kaminak Lake Area, District of Keewatin, N.W.T.Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie Verhandlungen (International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology Proceedings), v. 19, p. 340-348.
Klassen, R.A., and W.W. Shilts, 1977, Glacial dispersal of uranium in the District of Keewatin, Canada; in Prospecting in areas of glaciated terrain, 1977, The Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, London, p. 80-88.
Klassen, R.A., and W.W. Shilts, 1977, Uranium exploration using till, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 77-1A, p. 471-477.
Klassen, R.A., and W.W. Shilts, 1982, Subbottom profiling of lakes of the Canadian Shield. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 82-1A, p. 375-384.
Klassen, R.A., and W.W. Shilts, 1987, International Union for Quaternary Research, XII International Congress, excursion guide book A-1, Bylot Island – eastern Canadian arctic, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa.
Lamothe, M., O. Caron, M. Roy, W.W. Shilts, and T. Tremblay, 2007, Late Pleistocene deglaciation of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, across and north of the USA–Canada international border; Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section Annual Meeting. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, no. 1, p. 56.
Lamothe, M., S. Huot, O. Caron. P.-M. Godbout, and W.W. Shilts, 2013, Luminescence chronology of Pleistocene sediments in southern Quebec: What implications for the glacial history of New England?; paper 50-3, Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section Annual Meeting. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 45, no. 1, p. 104.
Lamothe, M., M. Parent, and W.W. Shilts, 1992, Sangamonian and early Wisconsinan events in the St. Lawrence lowland and Appalachians of southern Québec, Canada; in P.U. Clark and P.D. Lea, eds., The Last Interglacial-Glacial Transition in North America, Geological Society of America, Special Paper 270, p. 171-184.
LaSalle, P., and W.W. Shilts, 1993, Younger Dryas-age readvance of Laurentide ice into the Champlain Sea. Boreas, v. 22, p. 25-37.
Lawson, D.E., G.J. Larson, E.B. Evenson, and W.W. Shilts, 2002, Melt-out till formation and sedimentological properties, Matanuska Glacier, Alaska; Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 34, no. 6, p. 476.
Lindsay, P.J., and W.W. Shilts, 1995, A standard laboratory procedure for separating clay-sized detritus from unconsolidated glacial sediments and their derivatives; in P.T. Bobrowski, S.J. Sibbick, J.M. Newell, and P.F. Matysek, eds., Drift exploration in the Canadian Cordillera, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, Paper 1995-2, p. 165-166.
McDonald, B.C., and W.W. Shilts, 1971, Quaternary stratigraphy and events in southeastern Quebec. Geological Society of America, Bulletin, v. 82, p. 683-697.
McDonald, B.C., and W.W. Shilts, 1975, Interpretation of faults in glaciofluvial sediments; in A.V. Jopling and B.C. McDonald, eds., Glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine sedimentation. Society of Economic Paleontology and Mineralization, Special Publication, v. 23, p. 123-131.
Menzies, J., and W.W. Shilts, 2002, Subglacial environments; in J. Menzies, ed., Modern and past glacial environments, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, p. 183-278.
Occhietti, S., P.P. David, N.R. Gadd, J. Lebuis, and W.W. Shilts, 1982, Fiches des principales unités lithostratigraphiques Quaternaires du Québec méridional. Geographie physique et Quaternaire, v. 36, no. 1-2, p. 40-49.
Occhietti, S., M. Parent, W.W. Shilts, J.-C. Dionne, E. Govare, and D. Harmand, 2001, Late Wisconsinan glacial dynamics, deglaciation, and marine invasion in southern Québec; in T.K. Weddle and M.J. Retelle, eds., Deglacial history and relative sea-level changes, northern New England and adjacent Canada. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 351, p. 243-270.
Phaneuf, S., and W.W. Shilts, 1994, Geochemistry of lake sediments and waters, Lac Aylmer, Québec. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3011.
Podolak, W.E., and W.W. Shilts, 1978, Some physical and chemical properties of till derived from the Meguma Group, southeast Nova Scotia. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 78-1A, p. 459-464.
Rasmussen, P.E., D. Villard, H. Gardner, J. Fortescue, S. Schiff, and W.W. Shilts, 1998, Mercury in lake sediments of the Precambrian Shield near Huntsville, Ontario, Canada. Environmental Geology, v. 33, no. 2-3, p. 170-182.
Rencz, A.N., J. Aylsworth, and W.W. Shilts, 1990, Processing LANDSAT thematic mapper imagery for mapping surficial geology, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories; in F.P. Atterberg and G.F. Bonham-Carter, eds., Statistical applications in the earth sciences. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 89-9, p. 3-8.
Rencz, A.N., J. Aylsworth, and W.W. Shilts, 1992, Application of LANDSAT TM data to mapping surficial geology; in D.G. Richardson and M. Irving, eds., Project summaries: Canada–Northwest Territories Mineral Development Subsidiary Agreement, 1987–1991. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2484, p. 153.
Rencz, A.N., and W.W. Shilts, 1980, Nickel in soils and vegetation of glaciated terrains; in J.O. Nriagu, ed., Nickel in the environment, John Wiley and Sons, New York, p. 151-188.
Ridler, R.H., and W.W. Shilts, 1974, Exploration for Archean polymetallic sulphide deposits in permafrost terrains: An integrated geological/geochemical technique; Kaminak Lake area, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 73-34.
Ridler, R.H., and W.W. Shilts, 1974, Mineral potential of the Rankin Inlet. Canadian Mining Journal, v. 95, no. 7, p. 32-36, 38-40, 42.
Shilts, E., W. Blake, M. Demuth, R. Klassen, R. Koerner, E. Mattson, and W.W. Shilts, 1998, Rivers of ice. Canadian Geographic, v. 118, no. 7, p. 34-39 and 1 foldout sheet.
Shilts, W.W., 1969, Quaternary geology of the upper Chaudière River basin, Québec (21 E, (east half)). Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 69-1A, p. 218-220.
Shilts, W.W., 1970, Geochemical anomalies in till, southeastern Quebec. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 70-1B, p. 74-75.
Shilts, W.W., 1970, Indicator studies; Pleistocene geology; Lac Megantic region, Quebec. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 70-1A, p. 185-186.
Shilts, W.W., 1971, Till studies and their application to regional drift prospecting. Canadian Mining Journal, v. 92, no. 4, p. 45-50.
Shilts, W.W., 1971, Trace element and mineral indicator tracing – Kaminak Lake, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 71-1A, p. 191-192.
Shilts, W.W., 1972, Drift prospecting in the Kaminak Lake area, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada Paper 72-1A, p. 182-189.
Shilts, W.W., 1972, [Note about glacial and periglacial sedimentation processes transcribed from extemporaneous verbal comments]; in B. Yatsu and A. Falconer, eds., Research methods in Pleistocene geomorphology (Proceedings, 2nd Guelph Symposium on Geomorphology, 1971), Department of Geography, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, p. 237.
Shilts, W.W., 1973, Drift prospecting; geochemistry of eskers and till in permanently frozen terrain: District of Keewatin; Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 72-45.
Shilts, W.W., 1973, Glacial dispersal of rocks, minerals and trace elements in Wisconsinan till, southeastern Quebec, Canada; in R.F . Black, R.P . Goldthwait, and H.B. Willman, eds., The Wisconsinan Stage, Geological Society of America Memoirs 136, p. 189-219.
Shilts, W.W., 1973, Till indicator train formed by glacial transport of nickel and other ultrabasic components: A model for drift prospecting. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 73-1A, p. 213-218.
Shilts, W.W., 1974, Drift prospecting in the Ennadai–Rankin Inlet greenstone belt, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 74-1A, p. 229-235.
Shilts, W.W., 1974, Physical and chemical properties of unconsolidated sediment in permanently frozen terrain, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 74-1A, p. 229-235.
Shilts, W.W., 1975, Principles of geochemical exploration for sulphide deposits using shallow samples of glacial drift. CIM Bulletin (Canadian Mining and Metallurgical Bulletin), v. 68, no. 757, p. 73-80.
Shilts, W.W., 1975, Tundra fires, southeast District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 75-1B, p. 187-195.
Shilts, W.W., 1976, Glacial till and mineral exploration; in R.F. Legget, ed., Glacial till: An interdisciplinary study. Royal Society of Canada, Special Publications, no. 12, p. 205-224.
Shilts, W.W., 1977, Geochemistry of till in perennially frozen terrain of the Canadian Shield – Application to prospecting.Boreas, v. 5, p. 203-212.
Shilts, W.W., 1978. Detailed sedimentological study of till sheets in a stratigraphic section, Samson River, Quebec.Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 285.
Shilts, W.W., 1978, Glacial and periglacial features, Churchill – Kaminak Lake – Baker Lake; in R.J.E. Brown, Third International Conference on Permafrost, Edmonton, Alberta, 1978, Field trip no. 4, Northern Manitoba – District of Keewatin, p. 55-76.
Shilts, W.W., 1978, Ice flow directions and fabric of Lennoxville Till; inferred ice front configurations of Lennoxville Glacier during retreat, upper Chaudière valley, Québec. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 542.
Shilts, W.W., 1978, Nature and genesis of mudboils, central Keewatin, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 15, no. 7, p. 1053-1068.
Shilts, W.W., 1978, Surficial deposits, upper Chaudière valley, Québec. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 542.
Shilts, W.W., 1980, Flow patterns in the central North American ice sheet. Nature, v. 286, p. 213-18.
Shilts, W.W., 1980, Geochemical profile of till from Longlac, Ontario to Somerset Island. CIM Bulletin (Canadian Mining and Metallurgical Bulletin), v. 73, no. 822, p. 85-94.
Shilts, W.W., 1981, Sensitivity of bedrock to acid precipitation: Modification by glacial processes. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 81-14.
Shilts, W.W., 1981, Surficial geology, Lac-Mégantic, Quebec–Maine. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 1494A, 1 sheet, 1:100,000 scale.
Shilts, W.W., 1981, Surficial geology of the Lac-Mégantic area, Québec. Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir 397.
Shilts, W.W., 1982, Glacial dispersal-principles and practical applications. Geoscience Canada, v. 9, p. 42-47.
Shilts, W.W., 1982, Quaternary evolution of the Hudson/James Bay region. Le Naturaliste Canadien, v. 109, p. 309-332.
Shilts, W.W., 1984, Esker sedimentation models: Deep Rose Lake map area, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 84-1B, p. 217-222.
Shilts, W.W., 1984, Potential effects of acid rain on glaciated terrain; in R.G. LaFleur, ed., Groundwater as a geomorphic agent, Proceedings of the 13th Annual Geomorphology Symposium, Troy, New York), Allen & Unwin, Boston, p. 135-156.
Shilts, W.W., 1984, Quaternary events – Hudson Bay lowland and southern District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 84-10, p. 117-126.
Shilts, W.W., 1984, Sonar evidence for postglacial tectonic instability of the Canadian Shield and Appalachians. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 84-1A, p. 567-579.
Shilts, W.W., 1984, Till geochemistry in Finland and Canada. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 21, p. 95-117.
Shilts, W.W., 1984, Workshop 1: Till geochemistry in mineral exploration. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 21, p. 119-122.
Shilts, W.W., 1985, Geological models for the configuration, history and style of disintegration of the Laurentide Ice Sheet; in M.J. Woldenberg, ed., Models in geomorphology, Allen & Unwin, Boston, p. 73-91.
Shilts, W.W., 1986, Glaciation of the Hudson Bay region; in I.P. Martini, ed., Canadian inland seas, Elsevier, Amsterdam, p. 55-78.
Shilts, W.W., 1989, Configuration and history of the central part of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Sprawozdania, Towarzystwa Naukowego, W Toruniu, v. 42, p. 77-79.
Shilts, W.W., 1991, Principles of glacial dispersal and sedimentation; in Exploration Geochemistry Workshop. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2390, Paper 2.
Shilts, W.W., 1993, Geological Survey of Canada’s contributions to understanding the composition of glacial sediments.Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 30, p. 333-353.
Shilts, W.W., 1994, Lac Deschênes acoustic profiles and cores; in R. Gilbert, compiler, A field guide to the glacial and postglacial landscape of southeastern Ontario and part of Québec. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 453, p. 58-62.
Shilts, W.W., 1995, Geochemical partitioning in till; in P.T. Bobrowski, S.J. Sibbick, J.M. Newell, and P.F. Matysek, eds., Drift exploration in the Canadian Cordillera. British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, Paper 1995-2, p. 149-163.
Shilts, W.W., 1996, Drift exploration; in J. Menzies, ed., Past glacial environments: Sediments, forms and techniques, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, p. 411-439.
Shilts, W.W., 2001, Quaternary record in the Quebec Appalachians lacks older glacial events recorded in Quaternary stratigraphy of the Midwest; paper 11-0, Geological Society of America, North-Central Section Annual Meeting. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 33, no. 4, p. 18.
Shilts, W.W., 2002, Depositional and erosional stratigraphy, southeastern Quebec; paper 208-1, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 34, no. 6, p. 475.
Shilts, W.W., 2002, Summary of state activities, 2001–2002: Illinois. State Geologists Journal, v. 54, p. 24-27.
Shilts, W.W., 2004, Using periglacial patterns to map terrain materials on the Canadian Shield north of the treeline, west of Hudson Bay. Geological Association of Canada and Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting, Program with Abstracts, p. 36.
Shilts, W.W., 2007, A short history of the development of glacial stratigraphic models in the Quebec Appalachians: A personal perspective – 1964–1994; in L. Corriveau and T. Clark, eds., Guidebook for field trips in southern Quebec, October 5–7, 2007; Joint meeting of New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, Friends of the Grenville, and Association québécoise des Sciences de la Terre, p. 57-61.
Shilts, W.W., 2010, Perspectives on Illinois geology; in D.R. Kolata and C.K. Nimz, eds., Geology of Illinois, Illinois State Geological Survey, Champaign, p. 1.
Shilts, W.W., 2010, Preface; in D.R. Kolata and C.K. Nimz, eds., Geology of Illinois, Illinois State Geological Survey, Champaign, p. x-xii.
Shilts, W.W., 2011, Geochemistry of landscapes covered by glacially crushed debris; keynote presentation at the 25th International Applied Geochemistry Symposium; in P. Sarala, V.J. Ojala, and M.-L. Porsanger, Programme and Abstracts, 25th International Applied Geochemistry Symposium 2011, Vuorimiesyhdistys (Finnish Association of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers), series B92-1, p. 52.
Shilts, W.W., 2013, Development of glacial event-stratigraphy; SE Quebec and N. New England; paper 50-1, Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section Annual Meeting. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 45, no. 1, p. 104.
Shilts, W.W., J. Aylsworth, C. Kaszycki, and R. Klassen, 1987, Canadian Shield; in W.L. Graf, ed., Geomorphic systems of North America. Geological Society of America, Centennial Special v. 2, p. 119-161.
Shilts, W.W., R.C. Berg, D.E. Luman, and E.D. McKay III, 2010, Application of LiDAR data to mapping glacial landform/sediment associations, Champaign County, Illinois; paper 60-7, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 42, no. 5, p. 154.
Shilts, W.W., A. Blais, and J. Adams, 1989, Subbottom profiling of Quebec Appalachian lakes and its potential application to assessing seismic hazard. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 89-1B, p. 143-154.
Shilts, W.W., and A.N. Boydell, 1974, Terrain mapping in the Churchill–Chesterfield Inlet corridor, District of Keewatin.Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 74-1A, p. 253-256.
Shilts, W.W., and O. Caron, 2011, Striation record of multiple glacial flow directions in the southern Quebec Appalachians.Geological Association of Canada Annual Meeting, Abstracts, v. 34, p. 203.
Shilts, W.W., O. Caron, and M. Lamothe, 2007, Late Pleistocene glaciation and deglaciation in the Beauce area, from Saint-Georges to Vallée-Jonction; in L. Corriveau and T. Clark, eds., Guidebook for field trips in southern Quebec, October 5–7, 2007; Joint meeting of New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, Friends of the Grenville, and Association québécoise des Sciences de la Terre, p. 53-78.
Shilts, W.W., and J. Clague, 1992, Documentation of earthquake-induced disturbance of lake sediments using subbottom acoustic profiling. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 29, p. 1018-1042.
Shilts, W.W., and W.B. Coker, 1995, Mercury anomalies in lake water and in commercially harvested fish, Kaminak Lake Area, District of Keewatin, Canada. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, v. 80, nos. 1-4, p. 881-884.
Shilts, W.W., W.B. Coker, and A.M. MacDonald, 1996, Effects of acid mine effluent on sediment and water geochemistry, Ruttan Cu-Zn mine; in G.F. Bonham-Carter, A.G. Galley, and G.E.M. Hall, eds., EXTECH I: A multidisciplinary approach to massive sulphide research in the Rusty Lake–Snow Lake greenstone belts, Manitoba. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 426, p. 77-103.
Shilts, W.W., C.M. Cunningham, and C.A. Kaszycki, 1979, Keewatin Ice Sheet – Re-evaluation of the traditional concept of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Geology, v. 7, no. 11, p. 537-541.
Shilts, W.W., and W. Dean, 1975, Permafrost features under arctic lakes, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 12, p. 649-662.
Shilts, W.W., and W.E. Dean, 1975, Periglacial features in eastern arctic lakes, District of Keewatin, N.W.T. Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie Verhandlungen (International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology Proceedings), v. 19, p. 3212-3220.
Shilts, W.W., W.E. Dean, and R.A. Klassen, 1976, Physical, chemical, and stratigraphic aspects of sedimentation in lake basins of the eastern Arctic Shield. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 76-1A, p. 245-254.
Shilts, W.W., and L.E. Farrell, 1982, Subbottom profiling of Canadian Shield lakes – Implications for interpreting effects of acid rain. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 82-1B, p. 209-221.
Shilts, W.W., and I.M. Kettles, 1987, Excursion L: Tills des hautes-terres de Madawaska et echo-profiles du fond du Lac Deschenes; in R.J. Fulton, ed., La Quaternaire de l’Outaouais et la description des excursions locales, International Union for Quaternary Research XII International Congress, p. 117-126.
Shilts, W.W., and I.M. Kettles, 1987, Excursion L: Tills of the Madawaska Highland and subbottom profiles of Lac Deschenes; in R.J. Fulton, ed., Quaternary of the Ottawa Region and Guides for Day Excursions, in International Union for Quaternary Research XII International Congress, p. 105-114.
Shilts, W.W., and I.M. Kettles, 1990, Geochemical-mineralogical profiles through fresh and weathered till; in R. Kujansuu and M. Saarnisto, eds., Glacial indicator tracing, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, p. 187-216.
Shilts, W.W., I.M. Kettles, and L. Arsenault, 1976, Surficial geology, southeast Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 356. (Accompanied by maps of Eskimo Point, Dawson Inlet, Kaminak Lake, and Henik Lake.)
Shilts, W.W., and R.A. Klassen, 1976, Drift prospecting in the district of Keewatin – Uranium and base metals. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 76-1A, p. 255-257.
Shilts, W.W., and B.C. McDonald, 1975, Dispersal of clasts and trace elements in the Windsor Esker, southern Quebec.Geological Survey of Canada Paper 75-1A, p. 495-499.
Shilts, W.W., M. Rappol, and A. Blais, 1992, Evidence of late and postglacial seismic activity in the Temiscouata–Madawaska valley, Québec–New Brunswick, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 29, p. 1043-1069.
Shilts, W.W., M. Rappol, and A. Blais, 1993, Erratum: Evidence of late and postglacial seismic activity in the Temiscouata–Madawaska Valley, Québec–New Brunswick, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 30, p. 201.
Shilts, W.W., and S.L. Smith, 1986, Stratigraphic setting of buried gold-bearing sediments, Beauceville area, Quebec.Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 86-1B, p. 271-278.
Shilts, W.W., and S.L. Smith, 1986, Stratigraphy of placer gold deposits: Overburden drilling in Chaudiere valley, Quebec.Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 86-1A, p. 703-712.
Shilts, W.W., and S.L. Smith, 1987, Pleistocene stratigraphy in the Appalachians of southern Québec: The Chaudière valley; in M. Lamothe, ed., Pleistocene stratigraphy in the St-Lawrence lowland and the Appalachians of southern Québec. Collection Environnement et Géologie (Université de Montréal), v. 4, p. 101-138.
Shilts, W.W., and S.L. Smith, 1988, Glacial geology and overburden drilling in prospecting for buried gold placer deposits, southeastern Québec; in P. Rogers, ed., Prospecting in areas of glaciated terrain – 1988: CIM–IMM, Geology Division of Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, p. 141-169.
Shilts, W.W., and S.L. Smith, 1989, Drift prospecting in the Appalachians of Estrie-Beauce, Québec; in R.N.W. DiLabio and W.B. Coker, eds., Drift prospecting. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 89-20, p. 41-59.
Shilts, W.W., and S.L. Smith, 1994, La prospection glacio-sédimentaire dans les Appalaches, dans la région de l’Estrie-Beauce, au Québec; in R.N.W. DiLabio and W.B. Coker, eds., La prospection glacio-sédimentaire. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 89-20, p. 47-68.
Shilts, W.W., and P.H. Wyatt, 1989, Gold and base metal exploration using drift as a sample medium, Kaminak Lake–Turquetil Lake area, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2132.
Shilts, W.W., and P.H. Wyatt, 1992. Drift prospecting for gold in the Kaminak Lake–Turquetil Lake area, District of Keewatin; in D.G. Richardson and M. Irving, Project summaries: Canada–Northwest Territories Mineral Development Subsidiary Agreement 1987-1991. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2484.
Smith, S.L., and W.W. Shilts, 1987, Quaternary stratigraphy of Noire River cores, Beauceville area, Quebec. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 87-1A, p. 159-164.
Thorleifson, L.H., P.H. Wyatt, W.W. Shilts, and E. Nielson, 1992, Hudson Bay lowland Quaternary stratigraphy: Evidence for early Wisconsinan glaciation centered in Quebec; in P.U. Clark and P.D. Lea, eds., The Last Interglacial-Glacial Transition in North America, Geological Society of America, Special Paper 270, p. 207-221.
Wein, R.W., and W.W. Shilts, 1976, Tundra fires in the District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 76-1A, p. 511-515.
Zdanowicz, C.M., F.A. Michel, and W.W. Shilts, 1996, Basal debris entrainment and transport in glaciers of southwestern Bylot Island, Canadian arctic. Annals of Glaciology, v. 22, p. 107-113.
professional affiliations
Dr. Shilts is an adjunct professor at Illinois State University and the University of Quebec at Montreal. He has been a member of the U.S. National Committee of the International Geological Union and of the Board on Earth Sciences and Resources of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences.
Association Memberships
- Arctic Institute of North America (AINA)
- Association of American State Geologists (AASG)
- Association Québecoise pour l'Étude du Quaternaire (AQQUA)
- Canadian Quaternary Association (CANQUA)
- Geological Association of Canada (GAC)
- Geological Society of America (GSA)
- Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC)
- Spurlock Museum Advisory Board
- Science Advisory Committee to the Illinois River Coordinating Council, 1999-present
- AASG International Relations Committee (Chair), 1998-2007
- Vice Chancellor for Research Survey/University of Illinois Strategic Planning Committee, 1997-2003
- Great Lakes Geologic Mapping Coalition (founding member), 1997-present
- Illinois Board of Licensing for Professional Geologists, 1996-2000
- AASG Environmental Committee (Chair), 1996-2005
- Central United States Earthquake Consortium (CUSEC) (Chair, 1997), 1995-2005
- Illinois Basin Consortium, 1995-2005
- International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) Committee on Genesis and Lithology of Quaternary Sediments, 1975-present
- AASG Congressional Liaison Committee, 1997-2001
- Commission on Geological Sciences for Environmental Planning (COGEOENVIRONMENT) (Officer), 1999-2000
- AASG STATEMAP Proposal Evaluation Committee, 1997-1999
- Coal Advisory Committee to the State Geological Survey (Secretary), 1995-1999
- Illinois Coal Development Board, 1996-1998
- AQUAMIN Working Group to Assess the Aquatic Effects of Mining in Canada, 1994-1995
- Aquatic Effects Technology Evaluation (AETE) Technical Committee to Assess Impacts of Mine Effluents on the Aquatic Environment, 1994-1995
- Environment Canada/Mining Association of Canada Standing Committee, 1993-1995
- Mining Industry Technology Council of Canada (MITEC), 1992-1995
- Mine Environment Neutral Drainage Program (MEND)(Alternate Member), 1992-1995
- Multi-Agency Group for Neotectonics in Eastern Canada, (MAGNEC) 1987-1995
- Scientific Subcommittee of Geological Survey of Canada, Environmental Task Force (Chair), 1991
- Research Monitoring and Co-ordinating Committee (RMCC) Acid Rain, 1984-1990
- Bilateral Research Consultation Group (BRCG), 1980, U.S.-Canada Acid Rain, 1980 (Member and Report Collaborator)
- Impact Assessment Group for Proposed Polargas Arctic Gas Pipeline, 1978
- Permafrost Subcommittee of National Research Council of Canada (NRC), 1973-1978
- Acid Rain Research at the Geological Survey of Canada (Coordinator), 1981-1987
- Logan Club of Geological Survey of Canada (President), 1982-1983