Professor Emeritus Susan Kieffer is a leader in the emerging field of Geoethics. This year she received the Marcus Milling Legendary Geoscientist Medal of the American Geoscience Institute and contributed to a book chapter on Geoethics.

Bobrowsky, P., Cronin, V.S., Di Capua, G., Kieffer, S.W., and Peppoloni, S. The Emerging Field of Geoethics, Chapter 11 in Scientific Integrity and Ethics in the Geosciences, edited by L.C. Gundersen, 344 pages, 2017.

Dr. Kieffer is also presenting an invited paper at the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union: The International Association for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG) by Susan Kieffer, Silvia Peppoloni and Giuseppe di Capua. Union Session U12A: How do we ensure research integrity? Paper and panel discussion, Monday, 11 December 2017 from 4:00-6:00.