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The Department's Spring Oil and Gas Industry Short Course, sponsored by Royal Dutch Shell, was held on March 10th and 11th. Titled,"Controls on and Prediction of Sandstone Porosity and Permeability," the course was taught by Drs. Linda Bonnell and Rob Lander of Geocosm, LLC.

Lander Presentation

The course covered advanced concepts, and recent research, that enable greatly improved prediction of sandstone porosity and permeability after compaction and diagenesis.  Drs. Bonnell and Lander, who are alumni of this department, presented several lectures interspersed with three hands-on sessions using Geocosm's Touchstone® software to predict sandstone reservoir properties.  The course was attended by graduate and undergraduate students, two professors, and several staff geologists from the Illinois State Geological Survey. 

Short Circuit Computer Lab