The department is very pleased to announce the creation of the Ralph Langenheim scholarship for undergraduate geology majors. Through the generosity of Michael Bourque (MS, ’78) a $25,000 endowment has been established to fund the scholarship in perpetuity. Mike chose to honor Ralph, his graduate mentor, after reflecting on his experience at Illinois: “In the field, Ralph was generous with his time and guidance. In the lab, he helped me stay focused with an effective mixture of critique and praise, often delivered with his trademark wry humor. I laughed a lot, but I worked harder.”


The department is aware that a number of alumni and friends with connections to Ralph would like to join in expanding the endowment. As an extra incentive,

Mike has pledged to match additional donations up to a maximum of $25,000. The match expires in August 2022, so please join in soon! To donate, visit the department’s Giving Page.