Thursdays, 4PM unless otherwise indicated


Location: 253 Mechanical Engineering Building
1206 West Green Street
Urbana, IL 61801

Pre-talk reception 3:30 to 4:00, 169 Computing Applications Building (CAB)

19 January:  No colloquium (first week of classes)


26 January: "The Rubble in the Jungle: The impact of earthquakes, typhoons, and landslides on river processes in Taiwan"
Brian Yanites, University of Indiana

2 February:  "Off-Axis Seamount Investigations at Siquieros: OASIS Expedition 2016"

Trish Gregg, Dept. of Geology, UIUC

9 February:  "Engaging Students and Increasing Instructor Presence in the Online Classroom”

Cory Pettijohn, Dept. of Geology, UIUC


16 February:  "The Greater Caucasus Mountains: A Natural Laboratory for Understanding the Initiation of Continental Collision"
Nathan Niemi, University of Michigan

23 February: "Geochemical kinetics during CO2 sequestration:the reactivity of the Honotomin caprock and the hydration of  MgO"

Gabriela Davila, Department of Geology, UIUC 

2 March: “Integrated geophysical methods for near surface investigations”

Kisa Mwakanyamale, ISGS, UIUC

9 March: Buckley Lecture in Environmental Geology: "Putting paleo-precipitation records into global context"

Jessica Oster, Vanderbilt University


16 March:  Buckley Lecture in Environmental Geology "Searching for signatures of abiotic reactions in natural systems: an isotopic look at chemodenitrification"

Scott Wankel, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.


23 March: No Colloquium (Spring Break)


30 March: Threet Lecture: "Fluvial sediment supply to the Mekong's mega-delta: How it's changing and why this matters" 

Steve Darby, Southhampton 

**Reception will be at 3pm - room 169 CAB, Talk will be held in room 1000 of Lincoln Hall**


6 April: "Through the taphonomic lens: Fossil preservation and geochemical records in the Ediacaran and Cambrian "

James Schiffbauer, University of Missouri.


13 April:  Hay Lecture 

"Tectonic and Volcanic Deformation and Subduction Processes in the Aleutian Arc, Alaska"

Jeff Freymueller, University of Alaska.  


20 April:  Earth Week:  iSEE Lecture

"Corals and Climate Change: Life after Death on a Remote Pacific Reef"

Kim Cobb, Georgia Tech

**Presentation will be given at 4:00 pm in  Knight Auditorium, Spurlock Museum - 600 South Gregory, Urbana**


27 April:   Kirkpatrick Lecture

"3D Conductivity of the US Lithosphere: Results from the EarthScope MT-TA"

Gary Egbert, Oregon State University


4 May:  No Colloquium (last week of classes)