Thursdays, 3:30 PM, unless otherwise indicated
Tentative Location: Room 2079 Natural History Building 
Post-talk reception: Natural History Building Rm. 3083 - "The Core"

Jan. 17th  No Colloquium (First week of classes)

Jan. 24th  Trish Gregg, UIUC
"Forecasting the 2018 eruption of Sierra Negra Volcano, Galápagos" 

Jan. 31st  The R. James Kirkpatrick Lecture
"Chasing Helium: Mantle-to-Surface Connections to Water Quality and Geomicrobiology"
Dr. Laura Crossey (aqueous and sedimentary geochemistry) and Dr. Karl Karlstrom (Structural geology & tectonics)
University of New Mexico, (Host: Lijun Liu) 

Feb. 7th  The Jack and Richard Threet Lecture in Sedimentary Geology
"Environmental controls on the spatial variation in sand wave morphology and dynamics on continental shelves"
Thaienne van Dijk
Deltares, Delft, Netherlands (Host: Jim Best)

Feb. 14th 
"Fossils, Data, and the Discovery of Life's History"
David Sepkoski, University of Illinois, Thomas M. Siebel Chair in History of Science Professor, history of paleontology
                  (Host: Alison Anders)

Feb. 21st Rina Schumer, stochastic models of environmental processes
Desert Research Institute, Reno Nevada
"Real and Apparent Changes in Erosion and Deposition Rates Through Time"
   (Host: Gary Parker)

Feb. 28th The Richard Hay Lecture
"Can a record of Ocean Chemistry be preserved in Oceanic Crust?"
Sasha Turchyn, University of Cambridge, biogeochemical cycles
(Host: Jenny Druhan)

March 7th Glenn and Susan BuckleyLecture in Environmental Geology
     "New biomarker tools for reconstructing terrestrial climate”
     James Bendle, University of Birmingham, (Host: Jessica Conroy)

March 14th  "Permafrost conditions in south-central Wisconsin over the last two glacial cycles from cave and moraine chronologies" 

Shaun Marcott, University of Wisconsin Madison, (Host: Alison Anders)


March 21st - No Colloquium (Spring Break)

March 28th Qusheng Jin, University of Oregon, geochemical and biogeochemical modeling
"Methane bioproduction: Predicting the unpredictable"
(Host: Rob Sanford)

April 4th Consortium for Material Properties Research in Earth Sciences (COMPRES) Distinguished Lecture

"Using Electrical Conductivity to Probe the Interior of the Earth"

Anne Pommier, University of California San Diego
(Hosts: Xiaodong Song and Jay Bass)

"Let's Talk: A conversation on how we communicate in Science" 
Deborah Green, Geologist Writer,
(Host: Alison Anders)

April 18th 

"On the turbulence dynamics of environmental flows: cases with low-order topography, canopy and thermal stratification"

Leo Chamorro, UIUC Mechanical Science and Engineering 
(Host: Jim Best)


April 25th 
Glenn and Susan Buckley Lecture in Environmental Geology
"Stressful Times: Coral Reefs in the Anthropogenic Ocean"
Anne Cohen, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, (Host: Bruce Fouke)

May 2nd - No Colloquium (Reading Day)