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Class Schedule - Summer 2024

GEOL 104 - Geology of the National Parks

Develops geologic background, concepts, and principles through study of selected national parks and monuments. Examines the geologic framework and history, modern geologic processes, and factors influencing the present day landscape for each park area. Same as ESE 104.

GEOL 111 - Emergence of Life

Examines important theoretical and practical questions regarding the origin and evolution of life, as well as the search for life elsewhere in the universe. Uses the pioneering work of Carl Woese, whose "Tree of Life" revolutionized our understanding of the fundamental structure and evolutionary relatedness of all living entities on Earth. Same as ESE 111. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule.

GEOL 117 - The Oceans

Integrated introduction to oceanography and marine geology and geophysics. Topics include ocean-basin formation and evolution (in the context of plate tectonics), ocean ecology, the hydrologic cycle, water chemistry, currents and waves, the interaction of oceans with climate, coastal hazards, resources, pollution, and the Law of the Sea. Course is oriented toward students not majoring in science. Same as ESE 117.

GEOL 118 - Natural Disasters

Introduces the nature, causes, risks, effects, and prediction of natural disasters including earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, subsidence, global climate change, severe weather, coastal erosion, floods, mass extinctions, and meteorite impacts; covers scientific principles and case histories of natural disasters as well as human responses (societal impact, mitigation strategies, and public policy). Same as ESE 118 and GLBL 118.

GEOL 199 - Undergraduate Open Seminar

May be repeated.

GEOL 370 - Water Planet, Water Crisis

Same as ESE 320 and GGIS 370. See ESE 320.

GEOL 390 - Individual Study

Research and individual study in geology. May be repeated. A maximum of 8 hours of GEOL 390 plus GEOL 391 may be counted toward graduation. Prerequisite: GEOL 208 or equivalent; consent of supervising faculty member; advance approval by Department of Geology.

GEOL 391 - Individual Honors Study

Research and individual study in geology for honors credit. May be repeated. A maximum of 8 hours of GEOL 390 plus GEOL 391 may be counted toward graduation. Prerequisite: GEOL 208 or equivalent; consent of supervising faculty member and of departmental honors advisor; advance approval by Department of Geology.

GEOL 407 - Foundations of CyberGIS & Geospatial Data Science

Same as GGIS 407. See GGIS 407.

GEOL 416 - Applied Digital Geosciences

Applied digital field methods. Students develop research strategies, collect remote field observations, compile unit descriptions, measure stratigraphic sections, evaluate and interpret uncertainty in data, construct geologic maps and cross sections, and interpret natural hazard maps. Uses digital topographic overlays in Google Earth and remote data imported into GIS. Designed to prepare students for successful careers in the geosciences. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. May be repeated up to 6 hours, in separate terms if topics vary. Prerequisite: GEOL 411, GEOL 208 or GEOL 440, and one additional 400-level geology course, or permission of the instructor.

GEOL 417 - Geol Field Methods, Western US

Field course based in the mountains of the western United States. Provides intensive practical experience in geologic mapping, as well as instruction in field structural, stratigraphic, geomorphologic, and petrologic analysis. Offered during summer session only. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. 6 undergraduate hours. 6 graduate hours. Prerequisite: Eight hours of 400-level credit in geology, or consent of instructor; GEOL 411, GEOL 432, and GEOL 440 are recommended.

GEOL 492 - Senior Thesis

Research in geology, with thesis; a thesis must be submitted for credit to be received. 2 to 8 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. May be repeated. A maximum of 10 hours of GEOL 492 plus GEOL 493 may be counted toward graduation. Prerequisite: Consent of supervising faculty member.

GEOL 493 - Honors Senior Thesis

Research in geology with honors thesis; a thesis must be submitted for credit to be received. 2 to 8 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. May be repeated. A maximum of 10 hours of GEOL 492 plus GEOL 493 may be counted toward graduation. Prerequisite: Consent of supervising faculty member and of departmental honors advisor.

GEOL 497 - Special Topics in Geology

Seminar or lectures in subjects not covered by regular course offerings; for advanced undergraduates and graduate students. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. 1 to 4 undergraduate hours. 1 to 4 graduate hours. May be repeated if topics vary. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

GEOL 593 - Advanced Studies in Geology

Work may be taken in the following fields: (a) general geology; Field trip fee may be required for this section. (b) engineering geology; (c) geomorphology and glacial geology; (d) clay mineralogy; (e) ground-water geology; (f) geomicrobiology; (g) geological fluid dynamics; (h) mineralogy and crystallography; (i) paleontology; (j) geochemistry: (k) geophysics; (l) petrography and petrology; (m) sedimentology; (n) stratigraphy; (o) oceanography; (p) submarine geology; (q) structural geology and geotectonics; (r) mathematical geology; (s) sedimentary petrography; (t) petroleum geology; (u) coal geology; (v) isotope geology and geochronology; (w) electron beam analysis; (x) vulcanology; (y) environmental geology; and (z) planetology. Additional fees may apply. See Class Schedule. Approved for both letter and S/U grading. May be repeated.

GEOL 599 - Thesis Research

Individual research under supervision of members of the faculty in their respective fields. Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated.