Contact Information
Research Areas
Research Interests
My primary role is managing the Isotope Geochemistry Lab, where users have access to quadrupole and multi-collector ICP-MS instruments and a dedicated chemistry lab with available clean rooms. We perform a variety of analyses including major and trace element concentrations and stable and radiogenic isotope ratios.
My interests are primarily in economic geology and mineral exploration. Past work has used S and O isotope analyses to investigate contamination processes in magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide deposits and determine the origin of alunite in epithermal Au-Ag deposits (i.e.: steam-heated vs hypogene vs supergene alunite). Other projects have used radiogenic (Pb, Os, Sr) and stable (Cu, Ni) isotope systems to determine relative proportions of crustal and mantle components and the source of metals in magmatic sulfide deposits. Another area of interest revolves around the behavior of trace elements in magmas and hydrothermal fluids, which helps us understand the solubility and deposition mechanisms of ore minerals. I also apply reflectance spectroscopy and high-density sampling in mineral exploration programs to assess the spatial distribution of hydrothermal alteration assemblages associated with epithermal and Carlin-type Au deposits in the Great Basin. Understanding the distribution of alteration assemblages, and subsequently, hydrothermal fluid flow patterns, may help us to better target these types of mineral deposits in the future.
- Indiana University, Bloomington, Geological Sciences, Ph.D., 2019
- University of Nevada, Reno, Geology, M.S., 2014
- Eastern Illinois University, Geology, B.S., 2012
Courses Taught
- GEOL 497B Ore Deposits
- EAS 131 Oceans and Our Global Environment (IU, Associate Instructor)
- EAS 225 Earth Materials (IU, Associate Instructor)
- GEOL 188 Advanced Geologic Mapping (Sacramento State, TA)
- GEO 1300G Introduction to Earth Sciences (EIU, TA)
- GEO 2440 Mineralogy (EIU, TA)
- GEO 3405 Petrology (EIU, TA)
Recent Publications
- Crowley, B.E., Simpson, E.M.B., Hammer, S.J., Smith, J.M., and Johnson, T.M. (2023) Comparison of powdered enamel sample pretreatment methods for strontium isotope analysis: Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry, doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvc.2023.1114807
- Smith, J.M., Ripley, E.M., Li, C., Shirey, S.B., and Benson, E.K. (2022) Magmatic origin for the massive sulfide ores in the sedimentary country rocks of mafic–ultramafic intrusions in the Midcontinent Rift System: Mineralium Deposita, doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00126-022-01095-2
- Smith, J.M., Ripley, E.M., Li, C., and Wasylenki, L.E. (2021) Cu and Ni Isotope Variations of Country Rock-Hosted Massive Sulfides Located Near Midcontinent Rift Intrusions: Economic Geology, doi: https://doi.org/10.5382/econgeo.4872