Prof. Jim Best was awarded the 2018 Jean Baptiste Lamarck Medal  by the European Geosciences Union at the EGU annual meeting in Vienna, April 9th, 2018. 

The Lamarck Medal was established by the EGU Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Paleontology Division, in recognition of the scientific achievement of Jean Baptiste Lamarck.  It is awarded to scientists for their exceptional contributions to stratigraphy, sedimentology or palaeontology. The medal is awarded each year alternating between the three subdivisions so that each third year a stratigrapher, sedimentologist or palaeontologist are awarded.

The Medal is awarded to Prof. Best this year for "major contributions to our understanding of physical sedimentary processes and their products in the geological record."  The award citation states, "His work has established major paradigm shifts in the field of physical sedimentology. These include: a new model of flow at river channel confluences, a comprehensive model for the origin of turbulence associated with sand dunes, realisations of the influence of suspended sediment on the dynamics of flow and the modulation of turbulence, the provision of a new flow-bedform stability diagram that has application within many sedimentary environments, and the production of the most comprehensive facies model to date for the architecture of large alluvial braid bars."

For more information, please see the EGU Awards & Medals page:

Lamarck Medal Best