- Gillen Wood’s new book ‘Land of Wondrous Cold: The Race to Discover Antarctica and the Secrets of its Ice’ explores early expeditions to this vast land of cold.
- 2020-03-11 - Julia Cisneros and Jim Best have led a paper just published in Nature Geoscience detailing the shape of dunes in the world’s largest rivers
- 2020-02-27 - Dr. Stewart was selected to receive the Campus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching!
- 2020-02-25 - Prof. Willy Guenthner was awarded the 2020 Charles and Nancy Naeser Prize by the International Standing Committee on Thermochronology.
- 2020-02-13 - Congratulations to Dr. Trish Gregg for being named a Helen Corley Petit Scholar by the College of LAS!
- 2020-02-12 - The Department of Geology remembers Dr. Jim Kirkpatrick, who passed away in January 2020.
- 2020-02-12 - This week Dr. Bruce Fouke was awarded the 2020 Whitman Fellowship at the Marine Biological Laboratory and the 2020 Yellowstone Superintendent's International Award.
- 2020-01-30 - Geology Graduate Student Minfei Chen Wins the Outstanding Student Presentation Award at the 2019 AGU Meeting
- 2020-01-27 - $2.5 million software package renewed with Department of Geology and ISGS.
- 2020-01-24 - Dr. Easterling talks about the benefits of curiosity-driven and convergent research at a talk at NHB.
- 2020-01-22 - In a paper in Nature Sustainability, Jim Best and colleagues lift the veil on sand mining in the Mekong River, and examine its environmental effects and sustainability
- 2019-10-30 - On October 10th, the department welcomed Dr. James R. Baroffio (Ph.D. ‘64) to campus, and presented to him the Department of Geology Alumni Achievement Award for 2019. Jim was born and raised in a coal mining town in Pennsylvania. He was the only person in his family to attend college, receiving his Bachelor’s degree at the College of Wooster, Ohio, in 1954. ...
- 2019-10-11 - The weather is getting colder in town! That means Flannel Friday! Show your geology spirit by wearing flannel!
- 2019-10-10 - Congratulations to our recent Geology Department graduates!
- 2019-09-25 - Using a new computer modeling technique normally applied to weather and climate, PhD student Jack Albright and his advisor Prof. Patricia Gregg have developed a method to forecast volcanic eruptions. Beyond their potential for destruction, volcanic eruptions can have wide-spread impacts on society, especially for air travel, making a forecast of an eruption increasingly valuable. But this can be...