• 2019-09-24 -   The Department of Geology in the School of Earth, Society, and Environment (https://earth.illinois.edu/) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the flagship campus of the University of Illinois System, seeks an outstanding scholar with expertise in Remote Sensing. Applications are invited from candidates whose research falls...
  • 2019-08-27 - Professor Stephen Altaner led over 45 students and staff on the 2019 Annual SESE Field Trip. Participants were able to collect shattercones at the Kentland Impact Site, the site where U of I alumnus Robert Dietz showed that these structures were a result of meteorite impacts. They also visited Williamsport Falls, the highest free-falling waterfall in Indiana, and Portland Arch, a natural bridge...
  • 2019-08-25 - Ralph L. Langenheim Jr., Professor Emeritus of stratigraphy and paleontology, passed away on August 3rd, 2019, at the age of 97. Ralph was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, on May 26, 1922, to Ralph and Myrtle Langenheim; he is survived by his wife Casey, children, step-children, and their children. Ralph earned his Bachelor’s degree at the University of Tulsa, a Master’s degree at the University of...
  • 2019-08-23 - Anyone who thinks space is the final frontier should familiarize themselves with the research of Lijun Liu, professor of geology and a GeoThrust Professorial Scholar at the University of Illinois. He knows that there’s a lot we don’t understand right beneath our own feet, in terms of the geodynamics of Earth’s interior. Liu’s insights, with help from high-performance computers, are...
  • 2019-08-22 - Graduate students Julia Cisneros and Aida Guhlincozzi developed a new program this summer, bringing 30 middle school girls to campus to participate in several geoscience experiments, including mapping volcanic debris on ‘Mars’, flying drones, and talking with scientists at NASA! See the LAS story here.
  • 2019-08-16 - The department’s Eryops skeleton has returned to the Natural History Building and now has a home outside the “Geology row” faculty offices on the 3rd floor!  This plaster replica graced the second floor north foyer for many decades.  It was removed to make way for the major NHB renovation (2014-2017).  Prior to brining it back into NHB, the fragile skeleton was cleaned and repaired...
  • 2019-08-13 -   Professor Bruce Fouke and researcher Joseph Cross suggest that societal pressures drive a wedge between student's academic activities and athletics in a new paper in the journal 'Frontiers in Sports and Active Living'.  See the full interview here.  
  • 2019-07-20 -   Graduate student Julia Cisneros was chosen to be featured in the July, 2019 AGU Young Researcher Spotlight.  Julia works in Prof. Best's group and her interests include sedimentology, surface processes, and bedform morphodynamics.  Julia is also very active as a leader of the Geology grad students and organizes outreach activities to broaden participation in the ...
  • 2019-06-30 -   Recent assessments of employment prospects for college graduates have ranked Geoscience very highly.  An analysis of data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey by the web site 24/7 Wall St. identified college majors with the lowest unemployment rates. ...
  • 2019-06-20 - Ph.D. student Naomi Wasserman has been awarded a Fulbright grant to support her research work in New Zealand!  Naomi's research focuses on developing novel isotopic methods to address water quality issues and tackle a range of other geochemical problems.  The New Zealand project aims to develop measurements of the antimony (Sb) stable isotopes (123 and 121) to improve understanding of...
  • 2019-05-19 -   If you will be at the AAPG Annual Meeting in San Antonio, please join us for a U of I Geology reception: Monday, May 20th, 2019 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Yard House 849 E. Commerce St. Suite #409  Walk one block north of convention center, on the riverwalk.  As you reach the Marriott on the right, you should see the Shops at Riverwalk sign above.  Yard House is on the second...
  • 2019-04-21 -   Jon will be joining Jenny Druhan’s lab for his PhD in Fall 2019, and his successful proposal centers on the use of mid-mass stable isotope ratios to parse between weathering and vegetation influences on solutes in the Critical Zone. He will primarily use the unique instrumentation available at the Eel River Critical Zone Observatory and related catchments now part of the French Critical...
  • 2019-04-10 - This was the first year that the School of Earth, Society and Environment co-ordinated EoH contributions across Geology, GGIS and Atmospheric Sciences, and was led by a school committee of Becky Vandewalle (GGIS), Marley Majetic (Atmospheric Sciences) and chaired by our own Nooreen Meghani. This co-ordination provided a tremendous advantage and enabled us to highlight much research and teaching...
  • 2019-04-10 - In the first year of her PhD in 2016, Julia Cisneros attended the 5th International Conference on Marine and River Dune Dynamics (MARID) in Caernarfon, North Wales, to listen, gain ideas and meet new researchers. Three years later, as a fourth year graduate student, she attended MARID VI, that was held in Bremen, Germany, April 1-3. Julia presented a talk entitled ‘Dune morphology and hysteresis...
  • 2019-04-07 - Willy Guenthner has been awarded a National Science Foundation CAREER grant to investigate the origin and erosion of the Great Unconformity throughout North America. The highly-competitive grant, designated for early-career faculty members, provides Willy with five years of funding to pursue the project Refining zircon (U-Th)/He deep-time thermochronology for constraining Neoproterozoic thermal...