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Field Camp on Cool Science Radio!

Professor Michael Stewart and former student Chloe Marks recently were on Cool Science Radio to talk about the Wasatch-Uinta Field Camp! Check it out here!

Heart of Stone: New Work Investigates Cardiovascular Disease

Take a look at ESEC Professor Bruce Fouke and IGB Researcher Miyandi Sivaguru's fascinating work combining Geoscience and Medicine (GeoBioMed)! Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide and one of the keys in combating this threat is understanding the geology of the heart!...

Petroleum Experts Software Grant Renewed for 2024-25

Petroleum Experts has renewed through December 2024 a grant of a collection of industry-leading software packages to the Illinois State Geological Survey and the Department of Earth Science and...

Check out Jinyu Wang's New Riverlab Paper!

PhD candidate Jinyu Wang recently published her first lead author paper in Science of the Total Environment! Jinyu’s study employs a new ‘lab-in-the-field’ technology which we refer to as the RiverLab. Essentially the concept is to circumvent the need to go out to a stream or river and collect a...
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